I was at my Mom's this weekend for a mother's day purge session. She's working on cleaning out her entire house in the hopes to put it on the market filled with just the bare essentials. After years of holding onto everything that might be of importance or sentimental value for her, and the four of us whom she has raised, it proves to be a daunting task to sort through it all and decide what is really worth keeping. In the two and a half days I was there my brother packed the Town & Country to the ceiling and delivered it to Good Will. While he was gone, another half a load worth made it's way out to the garage. During the numerous breaks I took from my task of clearing out my old bedroom closet, I made my way down to the kitchen for a snack or yet another cup of coffee from my Mom's fabulous Keurig. "Isn't that thing wasteful" says my guy when I came home ranting about the disgustingly convenient contraption yet again. "well, yes, but it comes with a little mesh filter to use over and over again with bulk coffee." That shut him up...I think that means I won. Sorry, I've gotten sidetracked.

On one of these ventures out of the confines of my "project" I talked with a visiting friend of my Mom's who popped in every now and then throughout my stay. I have to give this background first. In my occasional window shopping of the internet wedding world, I had found a really cute idea for favors. Little jars of honey with a corny little saying on it that combined the wedding motif and the actuality that it was honey. Back to my Mom's friend (we'll call her Mel, for the Latin naming of the Western Honey Bee,
Apis mellifera). Mel, a now retired, high energy lady who loves projects and will do whatever she can to help a fellow sist-a out. In our on and off conversation of this little thing called
Our Wedding says "I'm just putting it out there, so think about it, but a nice idea for favors might be honey." I say "OMG Girl, that's totally a route we had discussed taking!" Come to find out, her and her husband have bees and it would be their honey! She can also do candles and is working on soap!! It's for shizzle! All we have to do is find jars and make a little label for them! So easy! I think we might try to do something else to go with it so at least there's some element of surprise to those readers who are also guests.

In preparation for this post, I looked some of those jars up that I found so that I could have a pic of what we're thinking of. In the search I found out a few things that make this idea even more appealing:
"In early Greece and Rome honey symbolized fertility, love, and beauty. Furthermore, in Greek mythology, it is said that Cupid dipped his arrows in honey to fill the lovers heart with sweetness." -www.e-weddingfavors.com
What a great gift! Local Vermont Honey in a reusable glass jar! It fits all of our ideals and even has historical meaning! It's pretty much a done deal and we still have 466 days to go! All for getting things taken care of ahead of time.
Also, my great friend M is a newly inaugurated bee keeper and just a shout out to her! Hey M!
Thank you to www.e-weddingfavors.com for the use of their jar-o-honey pic.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3030/2934975197_1cc6b8027a.jpg for the use of the comb pic.
http://www.mwt.net/~fry/MessyHouse.jpg for the use of the messy house framed saying.
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