It's Saturday, the a.m. of my very own bridal shower. While is't of course exciting it's a little hard to wrap my head around a bunch of ladies planning and gathering all for me. It's like an elaborately planned girl only semi surprise birthday party. Except it's all going down because The Hubs -To-Be and I finally decided to tie the knot after a short little 8 year test drive period. Go figure, I say yes and my peeps want to throw me a party! It is hard for me to take that back seat role though. I'm used to being the planner and the doer and doing it all for someone else, or several someone else's. But now, it's all fer little ol me! Crazy! So I lay here, meditating on the day ahead and realizing how proud I am of myself for getting all my shiznat ready to go last night so I actually have time to share my meditations with you this morning. I'm really excited for the party this afternoon as a crew of ladies surely have lovely plans ahead. The only part that always makes me anxious is the silly tradition of opening gifts while everyone stares at you waiting for your reaction to each gift. Ick. Not a big fan of being stared at unless it's while I'm stuting down the street and that stare is meant to boost my ego....oh, and isn't there some bow rule that somehow relates to babies or something? {nose crinkle} not really so sure about that. But over all I really look forward to what the ladies have planned.
In addition to a fun filled day primping and partying, there's more partying planned for tonight. As my BFF is a crazy busy gal working and nursing schooling it up and attending a record number of weddings this summer, is difficult for her to make it up from Boston again much before the wedding, SOOOO tonight is ALSO the bachelorette part-A!! It's going to be a long day. But we're heading out to B-town and plan to rock on.
My intentions are to bar hop with a little gaggle of gals attracting only moderate attention to the fact that there's a bride on board. I plan for no novelty gifts resembling male (or female for that matter) body parts. The last statement goes for real body parts attached to their owners as well... I wish not to be asked to kiss others or take shots from any others personage. I look forward to wearing stylish heels and NOT breaking an ankle or anything else. I hope there are lots of cute guys out to get jealous that this hot little thang is off the market and as a last effort to sway me they'll buy us drinks. I hope everyone has a time to remember and that it's not so good of a time it turns unmemorable. I hope I can stick with my good record and pace myself against all peer pressure to do otherwise. I hope there are a plethora of flattering photos to laugh about and reminisce over in years to come. And lastly, I hope and pray that I am only slightly injured Sunday morning.
I'm excited to share this whole day with my close friends and family and can't wait to look back on it with fondness and no regrets. I look forward to sharing the events of the day (and maybe some of the night) on here when the dust settles.
Ear goes nothing!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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