I have recently noticed that I'm no longer the slim self, I've identified with for the past 10 plus years. I've struggled with this change because I'm really uncomfortable with others talking about their weight insecurities. But we all have a vision of ourselves and mine in particular has been separating from the reality of my physical self. Of course it didn't happen over night like the legendary Freshman 15 in which college freshman, in their first one to three months of being away from home and surviving on microwaved food products, greasy take out food and lots of cheap beer, gain a lot of weight all at once. My weight, which I can't actually even call weight since I haven't gained a pound since high school, has been slowly joining me over the last couple years. Time in which I've exercised less, and continued to eat the food I've always eaten. Healthy (most of the time) but not good with little physical activity and the creep toward thirty certainly hasn't helped. The process of turning what used to be muscle into fat has sped up in the last few months that I've no longer been getting up at 3:30 in the morning. Because I can stay up later, we've been eating later and later and too many times than not, within an hour of going to bed. Something I've always tried to avoid. All of these factors have left me with more than welcome midsection flab (the Buddha belly) and jiggly buns (the booty).
Now this is just an overall distaste for this change in my physical appearance and dislike for how my lifestyle has become so inactive and has little to do with the fact that in a year and half I'd like to be looking my best....I said a little! To address these issues, I've decided to develop Operation Buddha Booty Phase Out, my own lifestyle change for the better to get fit, watch what I'm eating when and improve my overall self image. This is still the beginning stages so I have yet to actually have a hard copy of the operation details, but want to state here my intentions to make the changes. Accountability ya know? Stay tuned.
So here goes nothing! Wish me luck!
1 Toasts:
hehe. good luck! =D Can't wait to hear your plan with this- pass it along so I can impose it on myself. My scale keeps telling me I'm 150 lbs!! UGH! =[
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